
A Teacher’s Guide to Adapted Physical Education 4th Edition Martin E. Block, ISBN-13: 978-1598576696

A Teacher’s Guide to Adapted Physical Education 4th Edition Martin E. Block, ISBN-13: 978-1598576696

A Teacher’s Guide to Adapted Physical Education 4th Edition by Martin E. Block, ISBN-13: 978-1598576696
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

448 pages
Publisher: Brookes Publishing; Fourth Edition, New edition edition (February 8, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1598576690
ISBN-13: 978-1598576696

A healthy, active lifestyle for all students: That’s the promise of physical education, and the goal of this comprehensive textbook. Now in a thoroughly updated fourth edition, this text prepares current and future PE teachers to lead welcoming, inclusive classes where every student participates, makes friends, and learns new skills and values. K–12 physical educators will get cutting-edge research and guidance on inclusive education, concrete strategies for planning and implementing an adapted PE program, and valuable disability-specific information. An essential resource for preparing both general PE teachers and adapted PE teachers, this text will provide a solid foundation for physical education classes that meet every student’s needs.


– 9 new chapters on teaching students with specific disabilities. These significant new additions make this book an ideal primary text for Adapted Physical Education (APE) courses
– Aligns with key elements from the NASPE standards for general physical education and the Adapted Physical Education National Standards for APE
– More student-friendly features: updated tips and reproducible forms for planning and teaching, chapter objectives, additional resources, and more case studies
– More photos and illustrations throughout the book to emphasize key points

SELECTED TOPICS COVERED: Program planning and assessment * instructional modifications * curricular modifications * game modifications * autism * intellectual disabilities * learning disabilities * ADHD * behavior disorders * hearing loss * visual impairments * physical disabilities * social acceptance * safety issues * positive behavior support * community-based recreation * diversity issues


“Simply put, this is the best and most comprehensive book ever written about the teaching of adapted physical education. This should be required reading for every teacher tasked with the teaching of children with disabilities. No matter what grade level you teach, you will truly enjoy reading and implementing the strategies outlined in this book. Kudos to Dr. Block and his great team of contributors!”
— Mark Manross

About the Author

Martin E. Block, Ph.D., Associate Professor with the Kinesiology Program in the Curry School of Education, has been the co-director of the Adapted Physical Education Program at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville since 1992. Previously, he was an adapted physical education specialist for Prince William County Public Schools in Virginia and the Ivymount School, a private school for children with disabilities, in Maryland. Dr. Block has conducted numerous workshops around the country for physical educators, special educators, therapists, and paraprofessionals on how to better include children with disabilities in general physical education, and he has co-authored more than 40 articles on adapted physical education. He also has served as Chair of the Adapted Physical Activity Council and Motor Development Academy for the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Dr. Block’s current research interests focus on improving in-service training to practicing physical educators as well as studying the perceptions of inclusive physical education by students with and without disabilities, general and adapted physical educators, parents, and administrators.

Jason C. Bishop, Ph.D., CAPE, is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment with the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Design at West Virginia University in the area of Adapted Physical Activity and Health Disparities. Dr. Bishop research interests include the motor development of children with attention0deficit/hyperactivity disorder and increasing physical activity participation of people with disabilities.

Ronald Davis, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Kinesiology Department in the area of Adapted Physical Education at Texas Woman’s University. His research interests focus on performance and training for athletes/individuals with disabilities.

Alicia Dixon-Ibarra, Ph.D., MPH, is a Post Doctorate Scholar with the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University. Her research focuses on improving the health behaviors of individuals with a disability including developing and implementing physical activity health promotion programs for persons with disabilities and utilizing my epidemiology degree to analyze national surveillance system data to describe the health status of persons with disabilities.

Simon Driver, Ph.D., is Director of Rehabilitation Research at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation in Dallas, TX. Dr. Driver’s research focuses improving the health behaviors of individuals with a disability.

Dr. Steve Elliott, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Associate Director in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences at UNC Wilmington. The recipient of the 2012 Chancellors Teaching Award at UNCW, his research agenda is comprised of two major foci: 1) issues surrounding the inclusion of children with special needs into regular physical education classes; and 2) the application of instructional strategies, models, and theories to enhance student learning and assessment.

Katherine Ellis, Ph.D., is a Professor in Kinesiology at West Chester University in PA. Dr. Ellis is the director of the Deaf Studies program with research focus on deafness-specific areas of research, including impact of deafness and cochlear implants on physical activity and fitness.

Sean Healy is currently completing his doctoral degree in adapted physical education at the University of Virginia, having received his masters in Adapted Physical Activity from the University of Leuven, Belgium. Sean’s current research includes using online education for training teachers in inclusive practices. Sean is also the cofounder of Adapt It Sport, a non-for profit organization that trains practitioners in the use of adapted equipment.

Hester Henderson, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor with the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences at the University of Utah. Her research interests are in the area of behavior management and individuals with disabilities as well as measuring motor skill performance and fitness of individuals with disabilities and determining the effectiveness of interventions to improve motor skills and fitness.

Mel Horton, Ed.D., CAPE, is an Associate Professor in Physical Education, and Assistant Chair in Esteves School of Education, The Sage Colleges in Albany, NY. Her research focuses on physical education teacher education and adapted physical education.

Luke E. Kelly, Ph.D., CAPE, is the Virgil S. Ward Professor of Education in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Virginia. Dr. Kelly’s research focuses on developing functional physical education curricula, based on the Achievement Based Curriculum model, to accommodate the needs of all students and on developing functional physical and motor skill assessments and training physical educators to competently use these instruments.

Aija Klavina, Ph.D., is a Professor with the Latvian Academy of Sport Education in the areas of adapted physical activity and physiotherapy. Her research focuses on exploring the collaboration directed learning strategies (e.g., peer tutoring) to improve interaction behaviors between students with and without disability in inclusive physical education.

Barry Lavay, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Kinesiology Department, Adapted Physical Education Coordinator at California State University, Long Beach. Dr. Lavay’s scholarship interests are in the area of physical education pedagogy for children with disabilities and more specifically applied behavior analysis and effective instructional practices.

Lauren J. Lieberman Ph.D., is the Distinguished Service Professor with the Department of Kinesiology, Sport Studies, and Physical Education at The College at Brockport. She teaches in the area of Adapted Physical Education. She is the founder and director of Camp Abilities a sports camp for children with visual impairments, and conducts her research in the area of “Inclusion in Physical Education” as well as “Physical Activity for Children with Sensory Impairments.”

Cathy McKay, Ed.D., is on the Faculty in the Department of Kinesiology at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. Dr. McKay’s research focuses on Paralympic Sport education, relational leadership and values based leadership, and changing attitudes and perceptions towards inclusion through contact.

Thomas E. Moran, Ph.D., CAPE, is an Associate Professor, PHETE Program within the Department of Kinesiology at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. He is founder and Project Director of Overcoming Barriers and Executive Director Empowerment3 – Center for Physical Activity & Wellness for Underserved Youth.

Iva Obrusnikova, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor with the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition at the University of Delaware. Her research focuses on physical activity and social behavior of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and the inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in physical activity settings.

Ana Palla-Kane, Ph.D., is a faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Maryland. She works with teachers’ training in the area of adapted physical activity and the development of strategies to have adapted physical activity programs accessible to individuals with disabilities. She has studied the impact of diversity in the delivery of quality physical education, and physical education teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards teaching students with disabilities. She is interested in studying pregnancy in women with disabilities, especially aspects of prenatal care related to accessibility and participation in physical activity prior to and during pregnancy.

Amanda Stanec, Ph.D., is Founder/Owner, Move Live Learn. Amanda’s research focuses on social justices issues in sport and physical activity. In her work, Amanda takes a comprehensive approach to supporting physical and health literacy for all.

Kathleen Stanton, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor with the Department of Kinesiology in the School of Physical Education & Tourism Management at Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis. Her research focuses on understanding the physical activity needs of families who have children with disabilities and assessment and evaluation of service learning in adapted physical activity programming and behavioral intervention for children with disabilities.

Andrea Taliaferro, Ph.D., CAPE, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Department of Coaching and Teaching Studies, at West Virginia University. Dr. Taliaferro’s research interests include the physical education teacher preparation and self-efficacy to work with students with disabilities, as well as in the area of community-based recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

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A Teacher’s Guide to Adapted Physical Education 4th Edition Martin E. Block, ISBN-13: 978-1598576696

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